Sunday, December 24, 2006


Quick, we must make New year's resolutions. The New Year is just around the corner! Plans, resolutions, resolves, determinations, are the motor of our future and we cannot do without them... The first one I'm thinking about is: to stop being a procrastinator. But I've been one for so long it's going to take a lot of effort and might on my part to get rid of this worm that destroys the mind. And: I won't lose my temper. I won't feel sad. I won't despair. I won't think about all the mistakes I've made, and the foolish things I've done in my life. And I'll try to enjoy every moment of the year ahead. A tall order indeed!
Happy New Year, y'all!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Diccionario sohez

For those who are fond of trivia: Larousse published in 2000 my Gran diccionario del argot: el sohez. In 2002 McGraw-Hill published the US edition with the title McGraw-Hill diccionario del argot: el sohez. And now Ediciones del Serbal will publish in February 2007 the new, updated and corrected edition of Diccionario sohez. This definitive edition of Spanish slang has over 9000 entries and 23000 citations from both sides of the Atlantic (from books, newspapers and magazines). The lexicographical presentation of this new edition is an improvement on the previous ones. I am very proud of it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

A good teacher is a joy forever

It's sad to say, but most teachers have no dedication and go into the classroom as if they were entering a lion's cage. They dislike or even hate their students and seldom prepare the class. A truly sorry situation. But there are many exceptions, naturally, and I know of one dedicated and loving teacher: Laura Lynne, and I want to mention her here in thankfulness for what she has taught me along the way, and in so many ways. Teaching is not only delivered in the classroom, and not always comes from one's elders. So, thank you very much indeed.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Lorraine C. Ladish

I have followed her writing career for years and admire her quest for perfection, writing and offering books that truly touch, reach and help people. That is no small feat. It seems she receives letters and e-mails from her readers thanking her for her help. My readers never write to me. But when people take the trouble to let a writer know how thankful they are, that certainly means something, especially from Spaniards who are more given to criticize and blame than praise. And her novels are very intriguing, different and a joy to read. I thought I would let you know.