Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Víctor García de la Concha - RAE Satrap.

Mockingly I have been saying for years to all and sundry, to all poor devils within earshot, that I am naïve. But now, at this stage of the game, my game, I have come to realize the real extent of my naïveté: I vied for the Real Academia Española Prize for a philological research book TWICE, not once, but TWICE!
No small feat: I had to convince three members of the Academia to back me up, to ratify my work.
And here is where my naïveté comes in: Why on damnation did I ever think I would get the Prize? Knowing the director, Víctor García de la Concha -who had to award the prize- a true dictator who runs the Academy as Chaves runs his country, why on earth did I ever consider making a fool of myself?
The 2009 Prize has been awarded to a Nicaraguan. That is fine and dandy. But, and get a load of this, it has NOT been announced in Spain yet, almost 5 months later! No announcement, no press release, no posts on the Webpage. Mum's the word.
I guess that García de la Concha and his clique, his henchmen, feel embarrassed about their wheeling and dealing.
Sour grapes, you think? Who knows.


Lorraine C. Ladish said...

Really? It has not been announced in Spain? Well, certainly does not sound like it is fair and square ...

especies said...

La RAE no sé si es un asco, pero no parece muy limpia.