Thursday, November 30, 2006

Experts and know-it-alls

One feature I just love about the character of Spaniards is that they know about everything, no matter what. You name it: language, literature, science, law, the US., Outer Mongolia... so much so that one seldom hears "I don't know". Everybody knows, more and better... This is, of course, a far cry from the attitude adopted by Americans who are willing to admit their ignorance and are ready to learn. Sometimes -often- the so-called expert is not qualified with a solid background, but that is irrelevant here. But I am not complaining -I try not to be a complainer or a blamer- quite the contrary, it's wonderful and a blessing to have so many walking encyclopedias around. No need to visit libraries, which is a waste of time... (here). There are experts galore. Amando de Miguel is one such and comes to mind because not only does he speak English "perfectly" (whatever that means), he also pontificates about language although he says he teaches sociology. I envy these people because, in my case, I know less and less as I grow older and the time will come -soon, I am afraid- when I will be sure of nothing at all.

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